Amara Said Ghemam: Modeling and simulation of carbon-dioxide injection

Project Work 2

2020/21 II. félév

Izsák Ferenc (ELTE Mat. Intézet)

The problem of injecting carbon-dioxide into deep reservoirs is important from the practical point of view and its modeling is mathematically challenging. In the framework of the planned project, first, the corresponding one-phase flow, second, the more realistic two-phase flow should be understood based on pp. 112 -143 in [1].

Moreover, some related chemical reactions should be included. Another important task is the computer simulation of the corresponding process using the Matlab toolbox MRST. One should use here real-life parameters. A nice overview of the topic can be found in [2].


  1. K.-A. Lie. An Introduction to Reservoir Simulation Using MATLAB/GNU Octave: User Guide for the MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST). Cambridge University Press, 2019.