Siemelink Johanna Katalin: Two View Image Processing

Önálló projekt, szakmai gyakorlat I

2023/24 I. félév

Csikós Balázs (ELTE TTK, Geometria Tanszék)

Multiple view image processing has countless applications such as recreating 3D models from pictures or glueing together a panorama photo. Often the camera is moved by the user so the exact position is unknown but essential for further computation. The goal for this semester is a python program that matches point-pairs from two real life images and constructs the fundamental matrix from which the positions of the cameras are obtained. This will form the basis from where we can explore and create some exciting applications.


Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman, Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge New York) 2003.

Richard Szeliski Computer Vision, Algorithms and Applications, 2nd edition (Springer, London Doordrecht Heidelberg New York) 2022.

Csikós Balázs, Kiss György, Projektív geometria, (Polygon, Szeged), 2011.