Computer Vision with Deep Learning

Témavezető: Biszak Előd
Arcanum Adatbázis Kft.

Projekt leírás

The area of computer vision has witnessed a monumental growth primarily thanks to Convolutional Neural Networks. One can apply these techniques to a great variety of tasks.

Face Recognition

Arcanum was founded in 1989. In the last 30 years we have digitized over 50 million pages of Hungarian content. Our online collection contains millions of high resolution images from newspapers, books, photos, paintings. Arcanum has done a great effort in recent years to explore possibilities to make those images more accessible. In Arcanum we use CNNs to automatically assign keywords to images or determine whether a page of a book contains illustrations, but the most exciting application is face recognition. We have a service where one can upload an image of a person and the algorithm finds the same person in images that appeared in newspapers. Check it out ​here (available on ELTE Campus). We are keen on further improving this service.

Cancer detection

According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is by far the leading cause of cancer death among both women and men, making up almost 25% of all cancer deaths. At the Pathology Department of the National Korányi Institute of Pulmonology, thousands of cancer diagnoses are made every year. By scanning the histological slides from the archives we can obtain whole slide images that are annotated by a pathologist for further image analysis. The long term goals of this field are diagnostic image classification algorithms that are able to speed up the diagnostic process.

For development we are going to use Tensorflow in the Python programming language. We will provide the training data for the different tasks along with the computing resources needed for training models.

We are happy to get you started with the Python programming language as well as the Tensorflow software library.


Contact/supervisor: Előd Biszak

Organization: Arcanum Adatbázis Kft.
Phone: +36306830434

Website: ​
Scientific partner for cancer detection:
András Lantos (National Korányi Institute of Pulmonology)


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